

Tracking the improvements we make to ensure MyOwnFP is the best financial planning software for Canadian investors.

We list only the most significant parts of the releases here. For the complete set of changes please login and check the news board.


Jun 14, 2024 –Release

  • Display a grid version of each chart
  • Export all charts to png files
  • Export all grids to csv files

Apr 22, 2024 –Release

  • 2024 Capital Gains inclusion rate updated as per 2024 federal budget

Apr 13, 2024 –Release

  • Income/Decumulation grid which mirrors the report showing all income streams
  • Simple text description of all rules

Apr 2, 2024 –Release

  • Employment entries for bonuses programs that may optionally directed to RRSP, DCPP, TFSA, NonRegistered accounts (similar to the Match feature)
  • Added Growth and Contributions/Withdrawals to the main grid

Mar 26, 2024 –Release

  • GIS and the Allowance support has been added

Mar 10, 2024 –Release

  • Entries for investment accounts in current year up to current date
  • Run Scenario immediately after quick start

Feb 22, 2024 –Release

  • Self Employment options
  • Finish months for employment and Start months for pensions, to make that transition seamless

Feb 4, 2024 –Release

  • Scenario Comparison now adds side-by-side comparison of any chart

Jan 27, 2024 –Initial Release

  • Quick Start for new clients, simple few entries to create a few accounts to get going

Jan 6, 2024 –Beta Release

  • Employment entries for Employer matching programs including RRSP, DCPP, TFSA, NonRegistered (eg. stock purchase plan)
  • Property entries for depreciation (eg. vehicles) rather than treating as an expense
  • Suggestion board for subscriber ideas, with tagging, comments, voting and progress tracking
  • News Board for all the latest news

Dec 23, 2023 –Beta Release

  • Update 2024 Federal and Provincial Tax Rates and Credits, TFSA/RRSP deduction limits, EI/QEI/QPIP/CPP/QPP deductions
  • Nova Scotia add supplemental personal/spousal/age credits (2021-2024)
  • Quebec add Pension Income credit

Dec 1, 2023 –Beta Release

  • Cash flow charting in a Sankey flow diagram

Nov 23, 2023 -Beta Release

  • Annuity Purchases and Income Streams
  • Registered, Prescribed and Non-prescribed annuity Accounts

Nov 12, 2023 -Beta Release

  • RESP accounts for education planning
  • RESP Single and Family Plans
  • CESG, CLB, BCTESG, QESI Government Grant support for RESP contributions
  • Education Expenses funding for each child/grandchild
  • RESP and Education charting

Oct 25, 2023 -Beta Release

  • Defined Benefit: add inflation cap and multiplier for those plans that that are only partly indexed
  • Non-Registered: add margin value (or %) and rate, so that you can use margin within the accounts and it will be charged correctly

Oct 1, 2023 -Beta Release

  • TFFSHA Accounts, funding, deductions, purchase home or close account after time/age limits

Sep 1, 2023 -Beta Release

  • Initial release of MyOwnFP to beta. This is to validate functionality and that it all deploys well to the cloud. Please submit any issues to Bugs