
Privacy PolicyPrivacy

MyOwnFP’s Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your Information

The service MyOwnFP provides requires you to provide personal information. This includes email addresses to login and all other information you enter into the application or in requesting support.

Other information we may collect

MyOwnFP may track usage which may include your app activity, device or browser characteristics. We track this activity and it is aggregated and not directly linkable to any individual user. The services you use may also generate logs on our server infrastructure deployed in AWS (Canada) which aid us in tracking issues as they arise.

Securing your information

MyOwnFP takes securing you data very seriously. We take every reasonable best practice to secure your data. Its is the most important part of our business as we could not provide the service without it. Please refer to the security policy

Sharing information

MyOwnFP does not and will not share your information with any third party, other than to comply with any legal obligations.

Support requests

If you request support you hae the option to not share any of your personal information with out support personnel. Of course that may make it difficult to resolving your issue in some situations.

Your rights to your information

You have the right to access any information that we have that is directly related to you. You have the right request us to remove any or all your data from our systems, including any email addresses.

Expiry of Subscription

Your data remains “available” to only you whether you have a subscription or not. That availability with no subscription will subject to on any Free Tier that MyOwnFP provides, which may not include any reporting/charting or other aspects that the MyOwnFP service provides. If you no longer have a subscription your data may be deleted at any time at the sole discretion of MyOwnFP.

Changes to this policy

MyOwnFP may update this policy from time to time. In the changes are significant you will be notified in the app or via email.